Statement by the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission

Mr Mukesh Nand

After Receiving Results from the Supervisor of Elections

18/12/22 @4PM


Fellow Electoral Commission members,

The Supervisor of Elections,

Members of the Media,

Invited guests,

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Bula vinaka and a very warm welcome to you all today.

The 2022 General Election took place on the 14th of December in a peaceful and conducive environment. 

My fellow Commission members and I observed voting at several polling places and were pleased with the smooth flow of operations on Election Day. Since then we have been present at the National Results Centre observing the results tabulation process.

Ladies and gentleman, I stand here today on behalf of my Commission receiving the Final National Results Tally for the 2022 General Election.

I would like to thank you, Supervisor of Elections and your team at the Fijian Elections Office for a job well done.

Ladies and gentlemen, after receiving the results of the 2022 General Election, the Electoral Commission will now retire and calculate the seat allocation for the 55 seats of the next parliament.

We intend to announce the Final list of candidates that will enter parliament at 1pm tomorrow followed by our appointment with H.E the President at 2pm when we intend to return the writ for the 2022 General Election.

Thank you and vinaka vakalevu.