Electoral Commission Chairperson

Mr Mukesh Nand

Vehicle Handover @ FEO Warehouse 

30 June 2022


The High Commissioner of India, 

Supervisor of Elections,

Distinguished invited guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen.


Bula Vinaka to you all.

First and foremost, I must thank the people and the Government of India for stepping up to assist the Electoral Commission[‘EC’] and the Fijian Elections Office[‘FEO’] by donating four (4) Mahindra Double Cab Vans today.

As you know this is a very important year not only for the nation but also for the Commission and the FEO as we prepare for the 2022 General Election.

An election poses to be the largest logistics exercise that any country would conduct and such a massive operation must always be supported by the presence of logistics equipment such as vehicles for transport.  

Considering the effort that is required to conduct an election in a day as well as the requirements for the logistics for the FEO, such an important gesture by the Indian Government will go a long way in facilitating the requirements of elections. 

The EC and the FEO have always been positively assisted by the Government of India and these holds true with our collaboration in the 2014 and 2018 General Elections with the assistance of vehicles.

These vehicles I assure to His Excellency, the High Commissioner, will be put to good use and will definitely be an important part of the logistical exercise for the 2022 General Election.  

Indeed, we are very thankful to the Indian Government and the Indian High Commission for their support and assistance and we look forward to your continued participation in our future events. 

Ladies and gentlemen, the EC and the FEO have accomplished nearly all the election readiness tasks and processes. We are election ready. Today’s generous donation will contribute to cost effective delivery of elections this year. The polling venue directory is another significant milestone that signals the professional approach we are taking to conduct this election. 

I also thank the hardworking staff of the FEO who have been very diligent and patient in their readiness for the election and we commend them for the assistance they
provide to the voters and the general public.

With the assistance of our international partners and the support of our local stakeholders, we intend to make the 2022 General Election a platform for all Fijians to express their will with Confidence, Security and Freedom.

Thank you and vinaka vakalevu.